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Notification for Ph.D. Registration July 2017

No.Ac.AX/3/Ph.D.Regn./2017                                                      Date:   21.06.2017


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for registration for research leading to the award of Ph.D. Degree of the university based on UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil/Ph.D Degrees) Regulation 2016. University departments, Inter-University/ Inter-School centres, approved research centres in Government and Aided Colleges affiliated to the University  and institutions formed by an Act of either the State or Central government for promotion of research with two regular supervising teachers shall only be the research centres of the university. Only regular approved teachers of the University departments/ colleges in Government & Aided stream affiliated to the university and scientists in approved research centres are allowed to supervise the research work. Retired /Adjunct faculty are not eligible to act as research supervisors.

The vacancy position under research supervising teachers as on 25/02/2017 is appended herewith. Those research supervising teachers who are not figured in the list, but have vacancies under them can also give consent to research scholars. The vacancy position shown in the list is as per the information furnished by each research centre. A research supervisor who is a professor cannot guide more than 3 M.Phil and 8 Ph.D scholars. An Associate Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to 2 M.Phil and 6 Ph.D scholars and an Assistant Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of 1 M.Phil and 4 Ph.D scholars.

Candidates shall procure a letter of consent from the supervising teacher and letter of agreement from the head of the research centre /principal (in the case of affiliated colleges) and submit them along with the application form. They should also attach three copies of the Research proposal in A4 size paper duly verified and recommended by the prospective research supervising teacher in the following format:- 1)Title of research work, Research Area, Discipline, Name and address of the candidate,  Supervising teacher and research centre (All these details should be on the facing page super scribed as RESEARCH PROPOSAL ) 2)Introduction including related studies 3) Importance / Rationale of the study 4) Objectives/Hypothesis 5) methodology including methods, sample and design of work 6)Tentative work schedule ( Year wise) 7) Bibliography/References. The number of pages of the research proposal shall not exceed five. The supervising teacher should sign on the first and last page of the research proposal.

Applicants of foreign nationality will be considered for registration only if they are on visas issued for research scholars/students and with the necessary clearance from the Government of India.


1.1  Candidates who have passed the Master’s degree in any discipline or a professional degree of Mahatma Gandhi University or of other Universities recognized as eligible for higher studies thereto securing not less than 55% marks in  aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed)  or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved, recognised or authorised by an authority established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing , accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions and have passed the written aptitude examination conducted by the university. In cases, where a candidate proposes to do research in a particular discipline with post graduation from other universities in a discipline not offered by the university, the discipline must have been made equivalent to the corresponding discipline in the university.

1.2  A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the University Grants Commission from time to time or for those who had obtained their Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale where grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace marks procedures.

1.3 A candidate whose M.Phil dissertation has been evaluated and viva- voce is pending can apply for the Ph.D programme of the same institution.

1.4. Candidates whose names have been registered as a member in the register maintained by the Institute of Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants of India with 55% of marks shall be eligible to apply for Ph.D programme in Management Studies and candidates whose name has been registered as a member in the register maintained by the company secretaries of India shall be eligible to apply for Ph.D programme in Commerce.

1.5 The candidates who have appeared for the written aptitude test may apply for Ph.D registration after the result is out, but before the last date of the submission of application. Those candidates who qualify the WAT, but have not qualified the PG with the required percentage of marks on or before 31st, July 2017 are not eligible to apply.


Admission to the Ph D Programmes will be made on the basis of the following:-

(a) Written Aptitude Test (WAT)

(b) Doctoral Interview.

Those who have passed the Written     Aptitude Test with minimum 50% marks and have applied for registration for Ph.D. programme will be called for a Doctoral            Interview.


The following categories of candidates are exempted from passing Written Aptitude test.

A. JRF awardees.

B. UGC Teacher Fellows

C. M.Phil. & M.Tech,MDS, MD & MS (Modern Medicine, Homoeopathy and Ayurveda) degree holders in the subject of research concerned.

D. Regular and permanent teachers from the University Departments and the Government/ Aided Colleges in the state.

E. Candidates who have become qualified in the NET/SLET/GATE/GPAT/ JEST or other tests conducted by such Government bodies as UGC, CSIR, ICAR /ICMR.

F. DST Women Scientist Awardees

G. KSCST/INSPIRE/MANF/RGNF, Fellowship Awardees

H. Scientists from the Accredited R&D Institutions.


4.1     All candidates admitted to the Ph.D. programme of the University will be initially granted   registration as full time research scholars.

4.2     Candidates admitted to Ph.D. programme shall join the research centre immediately and their date of registration shall be deemed to be from the date of   joining the next coursework succeeding registration. However in the case of candidates having scholarships like JRF, MANF etc. (ie. candidates having the choice of any time registration) the date of registration will be the date of the order itself.


5.1    Students admitted to Ph.D. programme are required to undertake a course work         comprising three Papers (Course I, Course II and Course III) for a continuous period   of six months as a preparatory to Ph.D programme.

5.2    All the candidates are required to qualify the course work examination for    confirmation of the registration.


Research shall be carried out by a Research scholar in University departments /approved research centres.


The following categories are eligible to apply for conversion of their research to part time on successful completion of the course work.

(a)      Regular employees working in Government/Quasi-government institutions.

(b)      Teachers working in Government and Aided educational institutions in the state

(c)      Teachers working in the Institutions run by the University

(d)      Scientists working in accredited R&D institutions and Clinical Psychologists attached to Government/Quasi-government organizations.

(e)      Contract lecturers who are employed in the regular Departments of Mahatma Gandhi University, if the contract period is not less than one year

(f)       Teachers from unaided colleges affiliated to the Universities in the State of Kerala.

(g)      Guest teachers /FIP substitutes in Aided colleges affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University

(h)      Permanent teachers of Higher Secondary/ High-School/ IHRD colleges in the state.


8.1 The minimum period of research will be three years including course work.

8.2 The maximum period of research will be six years.  In the case of women candidates and persons with disability (more than 40% disability) a relaxation of two years in        the maximum research period will be allowed.


A full time research scholar shall not engage himself/herself in any other employment except in imparting instruction in an honorary capacity on a topic which forms the subject matter of his research in the institution where he is working.


The prescribed fee for PhD Registration is Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand five Hundred only) for general candidates and Rs.750/- (Seven hundred and fifty only) for SC/ST candidates. The cost of the application is Rs. 25/-(Twenty five only).  The fee can be remitted at M.G.University Cash Counter /Friends Janasevana Kedram / SBI branches through M.G.University pay in slip. DD is not accepted


The application form, letter of consent from the guideand the letter of agreement from the centre can be downloaded from the link provided herewith or from the website from 1.07.2017 to 31.7.2017.  The filled in  application with the following documents  should be sent to the Deputy Registrar I (Academic), Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadarsini Hills, Kottayam 686 560.

12. List of Documents:

1.      Chalan receipt for  Rs.1025/-( Rs. 775/- in the case of SC/ST students)

2.      Copy of P.G.Degree Marklist

3.      Copy of P.G.Degree Certificate

4.      Copy of T.C from the institution last studied

5.      Copy of M.Phil. Degree Certificate ( If M.Phil Degree holder)

6.      Copies of the Certificates of JRF/NET/SLET/GATE/GPAT/KSCST/INSPIRE/MANF, RGNF etc.

7.      NOC from the employer

8.      Agreement letter of the head of the Research Centre and letter of consent from the Guide in the prescribed format including the vacancy position.

9.      Caste Certificate in the case of SC/ST candidates/ Creamy layer certificate in the case of OBC candidates / Medical certificate by the medical board in the case of differently abled candidates.

10.  Three copies of the Research proposal in the prescribed format with the signature of the Research Guide on the first and last page.

11.  Eligibility/Equivalency Certificate for those who have taken PG/M.Phil Degree from other universities.

12.  Copy of the result of Written Aptitude Test 2017 (downloaded from university web site in the case of those who have passed WAT)

13.  Copy of Photo Id card.

14.  Relevant page of SSLC book to prove age

Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

The last date for submission of application is 31.07.2017.