Friday, February 21, 2025
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Vacancy Position for Ph.D Admission 2017

Vacancy Position

No: AcAX/3/WAT/2017, Dated 04/04/2017.

SUB:- Vacancy position under Research Guides in University Departments, Inter-university / Inter-School Centres and other approved Research Centres as on 25/02/2017.

The vacancy position under research guides in various disciplines for Ph.D programme of the university in University Departments, Inter- university/Inter-school Centres and approved research centres are  enclosed herewith. The list was prepared based on the information provided by the head of the research centres in respect of the research guides of the respective centres. Retired /adjunct faculty and teachers on deputation are excluded from the list. Also centres with only one regular supervising teacher, centres outside the jurisdiction of the university except centres established either by the state or central government for research, centres in self-financing institutions etc. are also excludedThe number of Research scholars allowed to be supervised by a professor is 8, an Associate Professor is 6 and an Assistant professor is 4. The candidates may ensure the above facts with the research guides from whom they get consent to supervise their research work as and when they apply for registration for Ph.D programme subsequent to the notification for the same. Make sure that teachers and centres of the above category are not selected as their research guide / centre, even though they chance to be figured in the list somehow.


Assistant Registrar I (Acad)

For Registrar